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Learn With The Plants!
Nervous System and Stress Management

When ?

Saturday 3rd of August 2024 from 14.00 to 18.00

(If the temperatures are too high, the workshop will

be held in the morning.)


Where ?
Blooming Life's medicinal garden, Póvoa de Midões

(click here to see the map)

What is the price ?

35 €/person


Marie Buron from Blooming Life.


Healthy snack and fresh drink included at the end of

the workshop.

Herbal remedies prepared by Marie with the plants from the garden will be available to purchase.


The workshop takes place the same day that our New Moon Sound Bath ! Combine both activities to offer yourself a fully enriching and relaxing day.

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Join us directly in our medicinal garden and learn about the plants that will support your nervous system and help you during times of stress. 


The workshop itself will last about 3 hours. We will start by speaking about the key properties that form the foundations of any plant-based protocol for stress management. 


We will then go and meet the plants in the garden. There, we will learn about each plant’s properties and specificities. Along the way, we will compare different plants in order to better understand the aspects that differentiate them. This will help you determine which one is best for you and why. We'll also look at which part of the plant should be harvested and when, as well as what is the best form to use it. 


Space will be left for questions as well, so that we can tailor the tour to your personal interests (cultivation, transformation...)!

Once the workshop will be finished, an healthy snack and some fresh drink will be waiting for us in the shade of the olive and apricot trees. We will then have the time to relax together and to continue to talk a little bit longer. This will also give you the possibility to ask additional questions if you have some.

About Marie

Marie is an herbalist, a Bach flowers practitioner and a Reiki Master. She also has a Bachelor degree in Psychology.


Passionate by the holistic approach of health, she is dedicated to caring for others as whole beings. Deeply in love with plants and flowers, she believes that our connexion to Nature is an essential key for us to heal and bloom.

Marie gives various workshops, leads guided medicinal garden and Bach flowers garden tours and holds 1-1 sessions.  

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