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Garlic is a very precious medicinal plant with many amazing properties! This is why the Garlic Vinegar is one of our favorite preparations, and a real must-have for the whole family’s health.



Immunity and vitality


Garlic is a fantastic tonic. It nourishes and strengthens our entire organism, increases our vitality and stimulates our immune system without exhausting it (which can happen with other immune system stimulating plants if they are not used properly).



Respiratory system


Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties with a concentrated action on the lungs and the respiratory system. It is, therefore, particularly useful in case of cold, flue, cough…



Digestive system


Garlic cleanses the intestinal flora, eliminating harmful bacterias and preserving the beneficial ones. In addition, it contains prebiotic substances. Both actions promote gut flora’s health (which also contributes to a healthy immune system).


Garlic is also a very well known dewormer.



Cardiovascular health


Garlic is a valuable companion to keep the heart and blood vessels healthy. It can help reduce blood cholesterol levels, and it contributes to prevent the formation of arterial plaque and to reduce the loss of elasticity linked to the aging of the arteries.




Ingredients :


Garlic bulbs, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar with 8 % acetic acid. All the ingredients are 100 % organic.

These formulas, well-known by herbalists, have not been evaluated by Inframed administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Garlic Vinegar

7,00 €Price
  • Use for

    Tonic, immune system boost, breathing infections, gut flora's health, dewormer, cardiovascular health

  • How to use

    Drink the Garlic Vinegar diluted in a little bit of water. Refer to the label on the bottle for quantity.


    If you wish to give Garlic Vinegar to a child, calculate the quantity according to its weight (the quantities indicated on the label correspond to those for an adult of 70 kg).


    We do not recommand the use of Garlic Vinegar if :

    • you are taking anti diabetes medicine ;
    • you are taking anticoagulant or any medicine that thins the blood ;
    • you are going to have chirurgical intervention ;
    • you have hypotension ;
    • you are taking medicine that lower blood pressure ;
    • you have gastric ulcere.


    When breastfeeding, the medicinal garlic vinegar can affect the taste of maternal milk.

  • Shelf life

    2 years


    Store ideally in a fresh place, protected from the sun light. Keep out of children’s reach.

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