The Nettle brings unity and harmony in the family, or in the group.
It soothes emotive stress linked to difficult situations, pacifies tensions and helps to solve conflicts, especially when the family or the group lacks unity or when there is a rupture.
After a separation, it brings calm and courage.
It helps us to free ourselves from rivalries with family members.
It helps us to release old painful links.
It helps us to better understand the others, their needs and their desires, and to develop a more benevolent communication. In doing so, it helps us to put an end to behaviors of rejection or agression towards others.
This flower is particularly useful for you if…
There is a conflictual atmosphere in your family, or in your social or professional circle.
Because of a conflictual situation, you can no longer communicate with one or several family members or group members.
Your family, social or professional group is momentarily destabilized because of the departure or the death of one of its members, because of a disagreement, because of the integration of a new group member…
You are experiencing a divorce or a separation.
A new sibling arrived in your family.
You live in a reconstituted family.
You are an adopted or an abandoned child.
An inheritance is causing tensions in your family.
Nettle - Unity, Conflict Resolution, Family
How to use
Take one Flower
Take 3 to 4 drops, 3 to 4 times a day.
You can apply the drops directly to your tongue (make sure that the dropper does not come into direct contact with your mouth), or you can add them to a glass of water.
A great way to simplify the process is to add directly your 12 to 16 drops to a 1L bottle of water in the morning and to drink it slowly through the day.
Create your own personal blend
Bach Flowers and Flower essences can be mixed to create a personal combination adapted to your own situation. You can, for this, select up to 7 different remedies.
If you wish that we prepare your personalized blend bottle for you, click here.
Otherwise, add 2 drops of each of your chosen Bach Flowers and/or 7 drops of each of your chosen Flower Essences in a 30 ml bottle. Fill the remainder of the bottle with spring water.
Stored in the fridge, your personal blend can last between two and three weeks . Alternately, you can add 1 teaspoon of brandy or apple cider vinegar as preservative before putting the water into your mixing bottle. This will allow you to keep your bottle longer.
30 ml
Shelf Life
5 years
Store ideally in a fresh place, protected from the sun light. Keep out of children’s reach.
Alcohol (approx. 40°), flower extract of Nettle.